The Saskatchewan Health Authority does not cover the cost of the following services and as such the Saskatchewan Medical Association does not cover the procedure. Information regarding finance options and the individual costs are available upon request.
What Is ClariFix@?
ClariFix® Cryotherapy is a safe, clinically proven and minimally invasive treatment that targets the source of your symptoms for lasting relief.
- Cryotherapy is safe
- Available in-office or operating room
- Minimal recovery time and post-treatment care for most patients
- May provide long-lasting symptom relief.
How Does ClariFix@ Cryotherapy Work?
The ClariFix@ Cryotherapy device goes straight to the source of the symptoms – the out-of-balance nerves. Using a minimally-invasive treatment called ‘cryotherapy’, the ClariFix@ device interrupts the signals from these nerves to reduce your runny, stuffy nose symptoms. When the cold temperature hits the out-of-balance nerves, the nerve signals are temporarily interrupted. The nerves are no longer telling the nose to drip, run and swell.
What to expect?
Most patients begin to see improvement between 1 to 2 weeks post treatment. Typically, an anesthetic is used to numb the inside of your nose. Then, the ClariFix@ device is placed in the back of the nose and the cold therapy is applied with the use of an endoscope. You may experience slight pressure, a cooling sensation in the nose and/or around the molars, or some discomfort during and/or after the treatment.
What’s recovery like?
Recovery times vary for each person but is usually quick and not very painful. In about 1 to 2 weeks, the new scar tissue in your nose should be completely healed. To reduce possible complications, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions which will be provided to you after surgery.
Are there side effects?
Side effects are rare and can be present for anywhere between 3 to 6 weeks after the procedure has been performed. Permanent symptoms extending past 6 weeks are very rare. These side effects include:
- pain
- bleeding
- swelling
- dryness
- crusting
- infection
*There is always the rare possibility that Clarifix@ may not work in a small percentage of individuals.
*There is always the rare possibility that the Clarifix@ procedure needs to be repeated at a later date.
For more information, please see following links below:
Coblation for the Nose
COBLATION Turbinoplasty and radiofrequency reduction
In some cases, doctors recommend a minimally invasive surgery that shrink the turbinates without removing any underlying bone or tissue.
To do this, a surgeon uses a special needle-like device that heats the turbinates using a heat source or radiofrequency energy waves. This causes scar tissue to form, reducing the turbinates’ size. These procedures fall under the categories of COBLATION turbinoplasty or radiofrequency reduction.
They usually take about 15-30 minutes and can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia in an ambulatory outpatient setting depending upon the individual situation.
What’s recovery like?
Recovery times vary for each type of turbinate reduction procedure. For less invasive turbinate reductions such as COBLATION turbinoplasty, recovery is usually quick and not very painful. In about three weeks, the new scar tissue in your nose should be completely healed.
To reduce possible complications, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions which will be provided to you after surgery. This will include the use of oral antibiotic, nasal saline irrigation and lubricating ointments/sprays during the recovery period.
Are there side effects?
Side effects are less likely and less severe for less invasive COBLATION turbinate reduction procedures. For about three weeks, you may experience crusting or nose dryness. Possible rare side effects using COBLATION include:
- pain
- bleeding
- swelling
- dryness
- crusting
- infection
There’s also a possibility that turbinate tissue may regrow after surgery, making it necessary to undergo further turbinate reduction.
What’s the outlook?
The goal of COBLATION turbinoplasty is to reduce the swelling of the turbinates while still maintaining their function. In this scenario, COBLATION offers the most advanced minimally invasive treatment modality currently available for turbinate enlargement.
In most cases, turbinate reductions are successful at opening the airways and making breathing easier. By following your surgeon’s pre-operative and after-care instructions, you can speed your healing and maximize your results.
For more information, please see the following links below:
Latera Implants
What is LATERA®?
LATERA® is an absorbable nasal implant injected to support the upper and lower cartilage inside the side wall of your nose. Supporting the cartilage may reduce nasal airway obstruction symptoms and help you breathe better. As the implant dissolves over the next 18 months, a fibrous capsule forms in its place.
Who is a good candidate for LATERA® ®?
One way to see if LATERA® will work for you is to use Breathe Right strips during athletic training or sleeping. If your breathing improves dramatically, you may be a good candidate for a LATERA® implant. The LATERA® implant can be placed in the operative room in conjunction with septoplasty/turbinate procedures or in the office as an isolated procedure.
What are the benefits of LATERA® ®?
LATERA® has a very high level of success and provides improved breathing in almost every patient. Patients experienced a reduction in nasal obstruction without negative cosmetic effects of many implantable cartilage grafts. Clinical studies show that LATERA® patients demonstrate improvement in patients who have the following symptoms:
- Nasal congestion or stuffiness
- Nasal blockage or obstruction
- Trouble breathing through the nose
- Trouble sleeping
- Dry mouth after sleeping
- Reduced airflow with exercise

What’s recovery like?
Recovery times vary but are typically range between 2-6 weeks. To reduce possible complications, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions after surgery. This will include the use of oral antibiotic, nasal saline irrigation and lubricating ointments/sprays during the recovery period.
Are there side effects?
Side effects are minimal for most LATERA® implant procedures. For about three weeks, you may experience crusting or nose dryness. Possible rare side effects using COBLATION include:
- pain
- bleeding
- swelling
- dryness
- crusting
- infection
- extrusion
- fullness
- poor cosmesis
There’s also the rare possibility of requiring an additional procedure to remove or add another implant.
What’s the outlook?
The goal of the LATERA® implant is to reduce nasal valve collapse, improve nasal airflow, while maintaining adequate cosmetic outcomes. In most cases, LATERA® implant(s) are successful at opening the airways and making breathing easier. By following your surgeon’s pre-operative and after-care instructions, you can speed your healing and maximize your results.
For more information, please see following links below:
Coblation for Snoring
Snoring is a common problem, seen in upwards of 45% of men and 30% of women. Snoring can decrease a person and family’s quality of life. In some instances, snoring can be treated. Based on discussion between you and your doctor, surgical options can be considered.
Snoring versus Sleep Apnea.
These two common problems often exist together, but can present separately. Some patients can snore without any other issues called – primary snoring . Sometimes, snoring can be a symptom of a more serious disorder called – sleep apnea apnea. It is very important you be screened for sleep apnea, as leaving sleep apnea untreated can have long term implications, suchas high blood pressure, decreased energy or even increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Once your screening tests are completed, you will meet with your sleep surgeon to discuss the results and to review your body’sanatomy and discuss possible treatment options.
Medical Options
If the diagnosis of moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea is made, you will be recommended a trial of CPAP therapy. The choice is to attend a sleep clinic or to be evaluated by a respirologist first, who can then arrange either further investigations or CPAP trial through the hospital.
Surgical Options
If the diagnosis of mild obstructive sleep apnea or simply snoring is made, you will be evaluated to see if a surgical option is possible.Occasionally, in moderate or severe sleep apnea, due to issues with CPAP intolerance or lack of compliance, surgery may be an option.
The following are the types of surgical options available and will be discussed by your surgeon based upon your individual anatomy.
- Tonsillectomy
- Palatoplasty
- Septoplasty/Image Guided Sinus Surgery
- Base of Tongue Reduction
COBLATION Base of Tongue and Turbinoplasty
In some cases, doctors recommend a surgery that shrinks the turbinates, the redundancy of the palate/tonsils and reduce the prominence of the base of tongue.
To do this, a surgeon uses a special needle-like device that heats the structures by using a heat source via radiofrequency energy waves. This causes scar tissue to form, reducing the turbinates’ size and the prominence of the base of tongue. These procedures fall under the categories of COBLATION turbinoplasty/COBLATION of the base of tongue or radiofrequency reduction.
The procedure(s) takes approximately 30 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia in conjunction with correcting a deviated septum (septoplasty) as well as contouring the soft palate redundancy with or without tonsillectomy. All of which are done to improve snoring and reduce obstruction in the regions of the throat and nose.
Are there side effects?
For about three weeks, you may experience pain, crusting or nose dryness. Possible side effects using COBLATION include:
- pain
- bleeding
- swelling
- dryness
- crusting
- infection
- persistent snoring/apnea
NOTE: There is a possibility that turbinate tissue may regrow after surgery, making it necessary to undergo further turbinate reduction. Revision base of tongue COBLATION may be necessary if there is remnant base of tongue tissue still present after the 1st procedure.
What’s the outlook?
The goal of COBLATION turbinoplasty is to reduce the swelling of the turbinates while still maintaining their function. In this scenario, COBLATION offers the most advanced minimally invasive treatment modality currently available for turbinate enlargement. For COBLATION base of tongue reduction the goal is to improve the collapse of the tongue during sleep and reduce snoring. In most cases, turbinate and base of tongue reductions are successful at opening the airways and making breathing easier. By following your surgeon’s pre-operative and after-care instructions, you can speed your healing and maximize your results.
For more information, please see following links below: